
I’m writing this today with a heart full of gratitude and a spirit uplifted by the grace of God. I need to express my deepest thanks to the Almighty for blessing me with a praying mama.

From the earliest days of my life, my mother has been my guiding light, my source of strength, and my unwavering support. As a single mother, she took on many sleepless nights, working multiple jobs, and missed meals at times, not only raising me and my sister but also instilling in me the values, principles, and discipline that have shaped me into the man I am today.

Every day, she gave her all, making sure I had everything I needed to survive – from waking me up in the morning for school to making sure I was home safe at night, even til this day, from ensuring I was well-fed to encouraging my mind, soul and talent. Her love knew no bounds, and her sacrifices knew no limits.

During my adolescent years, I was grounded and unable to watch TV as a form of punishment. One day, my mother left me and my little sister, and a mischievous thought crossed my mind. I told my sister “if mama ain’t here, how would she know?” Wanting to watch Rap City, I decided to grab the remote.

As I sat there, I reassured my sister that there was no way our mother would find out. However, my plan was short-lived. Just as I was watching a new video, the sound of my mother’s car pulling into the driveway startled us. In a panic, I quickly turned off the TV and pretended as if we hadn’t watched anything at all.

My heart raced as my mother entered the room and questioned us. With a sense of guilt creeping in, I denied watching any TV. But my mother, with her keen intuition, calmly approached the TV and felt the warmth from the back of the TV. In that moment, I felt a rush of shock and fear come over me. I thought I had two heart attacks and a stroke LOL. It was a wake-up call that wrongdoing never goes unnoticed.

From that day forward, I realized the importance of honesty and integrity, knowing that the consequences far outweigh any temporary fun. It was a lesson learned the hard way, but one that taught me the importance of honesty, integrity, and respect. I thank God for that teaching moment that shaped my character and instilled within me a greater sense of accountability. That experience taught me that the avenue to righteousness is always the right choice, for the price of doing opposite is too much to handle

Through her tireless efforts and discipline, my mother not only raised me but also paved the way for my success. Her dedication in raising us were nothing short of miracle. Thanks to her guidance and support, I was able to use my gifts and talents, ultimately earning academic scholarships and even being inducted into the Alabama Music Hall of Fame. Meanwhile, my sister pursued her dreams and graduated as a doctor from Alabama A&M University. It’s clear that my mother’s influence played a powerful role in our success. I am forever grateful for her prayers, her generosity in sharing her blessings, and her delicious home-cooked meals that always brought us together.

But my story is just one of countless others, a testament to the resilience, strength, and love of black single mothers everywhere. From the struggles of the past to the challenges of the present, they have faced Hell with courage and grace, defying the odds to raise their children with dignity and purpose.

In a world that often seems stacked against them, black single mothers are the true unsung heroes, the pillars of strength in their communities. They deserve our respect, our admiration, and our true support.

So today, I want to take a moment to honor and celebrate all the black single mothers who have poured their hearts and souls into raising their children. I want to thank them for their resilience, their sacrifices, and their never-dying love.

And above all, I want to express my deepest most heartfelt gratitude to my own mother, for everything she has done and continues to do for me. May God bless her and keep her, now and always. I love you mama! Thank you❤️

Dear Heavenly Father,

I come before you today with a heart overflowing with gratitude for the blessings you have given me, most importantly the gift of a beautiful strong mother. From the bottom of my soul, I thank you for my mother, who has been my rock, my guiding light, and my greatest inspiration.

Lord, you know the sacrifices she has made as a single mother, the challenges she has faced, and the obstacles she has overcome to raise me and my sister with love, discipline, and faith.

I thank you, Lord, for her endless love and devotion, for her strength and resilience during our struggles. You have blessed me with a mother who has always been there for me, from the early mornings to the late nights, making sure that I am fed, clothed, and sheltered, and guiding me with wisdom and grace.

Lord, I thank you for the countless blessings my mother has given me, from the whoopings and punishment to the delicious home cooked meals and care packages. Through her guidance and support, I have been able to achieve more than I ever thought possible.

But Lord, I also lift up to you all mothers who, like my own, face problems we can’t imagine and issues every day. From the struggles of Civil Rights to the challenges of Black on Black crime, they have stood strong, raising their children with love, courage, and determination.

I pray, Lord, that you would surround these mothers with your love and protection, that you would strengthen them in times of weakness, and that you would guide them with your wisdom and grace. Help us, Lord, to support and recognize these mothers, to show them the appreciation and gratitude they deserve.

And finally, Lord, I ask for your blessings on my own mother. Bless her, protect her, and keep her safe. Grant her the desires of her heart, cover her with your grace, and bless her going and coming. May no weapon formed against her prosper, and may she always walk in your light and love.

In your holy name, I pray.


Thank God I got a praying mama,

From teaching me discipline, punishment every summer.

Single mother, yet she raised me strong,

Instilling values, principles, all along.

She’s my rock, my guiding light,

Checking me, go back and do it right

Making sure I’m fed, and in my right mind,

Her love, her care, are one of a kind.

Where would I be without her by my side?

I’ve come so far with her, my joy and pride

Thank God for my mama, every single day,

For her sacrifices, I will always listen to what she say.

To all the single black mothers, I salute you,

In a world designed against us, you push through.

Let’s support, recognize, and show our love,

Especially to my mama, may blessings rain from above

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