Thinking back on a lot of personal interactions and experiences, I’ve come to realize something important: we didn’t really have to react or respond the way we did. In the heat of the moment, our emotions were high, and our minds weren’t clear. If only we had taken a moment to pause and reflect, to think with love and a clear mind, we would have seen that it didn’t have to go that particular way. We always had the power to “work it out” together…. I guess we have been programmed and picked up ways through life.

Think of a computer overwhelmed with too many open applications. When our emotions are running wild, it’s like the system freezing up. But if we take a moment to close some programs and reboot, we find the system runs smoothly again. That’s where our true power lies, in the calm, in the ability to troubleshoot together and resolve our issues.

When we look back, we see there were so many ways we could have handled the situation better. We could have resolved it, figured it out, or settled it. There were opportunities to fix it, address it, sort it out, or tackle it. We had the chance to deal with it, handle it, clear it up, or iron it out. All we needed was a moment of reflection and honesty.

Think of a tangled knot. When we pull and yank at it in frustration, it only gets tighter. But if we approach it with patience and care, we can slowly unravel it. We can determine the best way to crack it, untangle it, and put it right. That’s how we should handle our conflicts—slowly, thoughtfully, and with love. This is the Heart Of A Loveshooter.

We had so many options: we could have remedied it, rectified it, mended it, or patched it up. We could have gave it TLC and taken care of it, reconciled it, come to terms, or reached a compromise. By working through it together, we could have come to an agreement and settled the matter.

Think of a garden. If we tend to it regularly, watering the plants and pulling out the weeds, it flourishes. But if we neglect it, the weeds take over. Our relationships are like that garden. We need to take care of them, clear things up, accept truth and work through our issues. We need to handle the situation with care, resolve the issue, and find a solution together.

Reminiscing now, I see that we could have gotten to the bottom of it, straightened it out, or found a way out. We could have reached a conclusion, figured out the problem, and resolved it. We had the power to fix the issue, deal with the problem, and find a way to solve it.

In the end, it all comes down to taking that moment to breathe, to think, and to approach each other with love and clarity. See what we are doing and know what we are doing. When we do that, we can truly work out the details and take care of the issue. We have the power within us to handle any situation, to clear things up, and to come to a resolution. This is the power and life of a Troubleshooter. Let’s remember that next time, and choose to troubleshoot together with love and understanding. It takes two… Much Love 💪🏾❤️

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