On this day, June 7, 2000, I celebrate the birth of a concept that came from the streets of a drug-infested, gang-related neighborhood and a single parent home with little to no guidance from older strong black men. At the young age of 24, after 5 years of fame as a producer from a local group, I found myself in my own two-story building downtown, equipped with a studio and a study room filled with thousands of dollars worth of books, Bibles, and concordances. It was here that I was spiritually awakened to “above all get understanding and study to show yourself approved”, as commanded. Despite the estrangement from my family due to my unconventional drive, I pursued my passion for more meaningful music and spiritual knowledge relentlessly and also turned away from the street based beats I was heavily known for. With sealing a deal with a business partner who shared my fervor for the Word, I acquired the studio, brought many artists together and started a mission of combining my “sound” with spiritual enlightenment. Recognizing that not everyone would vibe with everything I knew and learned, given our differences, I shifted my focus to emphasizing “troubleshooting.” For me, troubleshooting wasn’t just about problem-solving; it was a form of discovery—a way for everyone to uncover more about God and deepen their understanding in their own unique way. And so, on this humbling anniversary, I reflect on the day that led me to record this excerpt, June 7, 2000 fueled by a desire for a better life, a deeper understanding of God’s true word and ultimately the best version of myself.

As a troubleshooter, I often find myself in hard situations, trying to locate that elusive “plug” to power through problems and turn trouble into triumph. It’s like being in a dark room, feeling around for the light switch. You know it’s there; you just need to find it.

Troubleshooting is more than just solving problems—it’s about transforming obstacles into opportunities. Imagine a tangled garden hose preventing water from flowing. My job is to untangle that hose, allowing the water of progress to flow freely again. Similarly, when faced with a challenge, I look for the kink in the system, the root cause that’s blocking progress.

One of the key techniques I use is to break down the problem into smaller, more manageable parts. It’s like dismantling a complicated machine. By examining each component individually, I can identify what’s faulty and fix it. This not only makes the problem less overwhelming but also reveals the hidden potential within the situation.

Perspective is crucial. This is why MyOfficeInTheStreets.com exists, I always try to view problems as puzzles rather than roadblocks and this my attempt to use virtues of the arts to help remove roadblocks. Each piece of the puzzle holds a clue, and solving it brings a sense of accomplishment and empowerment. When faced with a difficult situation, I remind myself that every problem has a solution, even if it requires thinking outside the box. This mindset shift is like finding that one piece that makes the whole puzzle come together.

Symbolically, I see trouble as raw material—unrefined and full of potential. Just like recycling old materials into something new and useful, I recycle the elements of the problem into a solution. This process often involves repurposing existing resources or ideas, much like turning thrown away, hand me down scraps of metal into a work of art. It’s about seeing value where others see trash.

For anyone looking to draw power from trouble, I recommend focusing on God, resilience and adaptability. When life gives you lemons, don’t just make lemonade; find a way to plant the seeds and grow a whole orchard! Embrace the challenges as opportunities for growth, development and learning. Each setback is a setup for a comeback.

Analogies are powerful tools to me. Think about the process of refining crude oil into gasoline. The crude oil, in its natural state, isn’t very useful. But through a process of refinement, it’s transformed into a valuable resource. Similarly, troubles may seem like crude oil—messy and unappealing. But with the right approach, they can be refined into solutions that power our success.

In 1995, I got my hands on an $5400 MPC 3000 drum machine, but here’s the catch—it came with no preloaded sounds. Essentially, it was like receiving a blank canvas. Much like crude oil needing refinement to become gasoline, this drum machine required me to craft my own sounds. At first glance, it seemed impossible to learn, but through this process, I discovered a world of creativity. It’s essence of hip hop production—taking old tunes and records, often passed down from our parents, and transforming them into something fresh, dope, and profitable. Just as crude oil is refined into gasoline, turning challenges into opportunities is at the core of what we do as producers. We take what’s raw and shape it into something valuable and unforgettable.

As a troubleshooter, my mission is to find that power plug in every situation and power up, no matter how difficult. Only the strong survive like my Uncle Charles says. By breaking down problems, changing my perspective, and recycling trouble into triumph, I turn it all into a blessing. Remember, every problem is an invitation to innovate, to grow, and ultimately, to succeed.

Father, I thank you for this experience.

Give me the strength to turn my troubles into triumphs, to see the potential in every problem, and to come out of every struggle stronger and wiser.

In your infinite wisdom and love, I trust and find my power. Amen.

“Troubleshooter” isn’t just a word; it’s a toolkit for life. By troubleshooting, you’ll develop the skills needed to handle many situations with confidence and grace. You’ll learn to see challenges as opportunities, recycle negative energy into positive power, and ultimately, become the best version of yourself.

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