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Whenever You Are Distracted, Try This!

I want to talk to you about the power of focusing on what is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy, as mentioned in Philippians 4:8. In our daily lives and endeavors, it’s easy to get distracted, troubled, preoccupied, and absent-minded, which can lead us down a path of anxiety and stress. However, by intentionally focusing on the positive aspects of life and our surroundings, we can achieve a state of mindfulness that promotes peace and tranquility.

The power of Philippians 4:8 lies in its ability to shift our attention to what’s good and positive in our lives, rather than dwelling on negativity and stress. By focusing on what is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy, we can increase our level of joy and contentment. We become more mindful of the present moment and more appreciative of the blessings that surround us.

To achieve this state of mindfulness, we must first be intentional about our focus. We must deliberately choose to think about the positive aspects of our lives and surroundings. We must be mindful of our thoughts and our actions and work towards aligning them with the positive qualities mentioned in Philippians 4:8.

Furthermore, we must develop habits and practices that promote mindfulness, such as meditation, journaling, and spending time in nature. These practices help to center our minds and focus our attention on the present moment, which can lead to a more peaceful and contented life.

To illustrate this point, let me offer an analogy. Imagine a chef in a busy restaurant kitchen. He has a long list of orders to fill and is feeling the pressure to deliver each dish perfectly and on time. However, in the midst of the chaos, he remains focused on the task at hand. He focuses on each ingredient, ensuring that it’s fresh, of high quality, and properly prepared. He takes his time with each dish, paying attention to the details and ensuring that each plate is beautifully presented.

In this way, the chef is focusing on what’s true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy. He’s focused on what’s important – the quality of the food and the satisfaction of his customers. He’s not distracted by the chaos around him or by the pressure to perform. He’s mindful of each step of the cooking process, and he takes pleasure in the act of creating something beautiful and delicious.

In the same way, we can focus on the positive aspects of our lives and surroundings, and in doing so, we can find contentment and joy. By intentionally focusing on what is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy, we can cultivate a more mindful and peaceful life.

So let me leave you with this final thought: make a conscious effort to focus on the positive aspects of your life and surroundings. Be intentional about your thoughts and your actions, and work towards aligning them with the positive qualities mentioned in Philippians 4:8. By doing so, you can achieve a more peaceful and contented life.

In life, we face distractions galore,

Troubles and worries that leave us unsure,

But in Philippians 4:8, we find a cure,

Focusing on what’s more lovely and pure.

We must turn our minds to the true and right,

On noble things that fill us with delight,

Things that are admirable, excellent, and bright,

On all that is praiseworthy and shines like light.

For when we dwell on thoughts that are good,

We find peace in the midst of our busyhood,

We can be centered and focused, as we should,

And live a life that’s fulfilling and understood.

So let us take time to meditate and pray,

To journal and reflect on what we want to say,

To remind ourselves to focus each day,

On what’s fitting, proper, and just in every way.

Like a chef in a busy kitchen so fine,

Who focuses on each ingredient, each line,

And takes his time to make each dish divine,

May we focus on what’s good, and all that’s fine.

So let us pray for strength to stay on course,

To focus on the good, and let our minds discourse,

On all that’s true, noble, and with good force,

So we may live a life that’s a joyful source.

Heavenly Father,

We come before you today, grateful for the power of your word and the truth it contains. In Philippians 4:8, we are reminded of the importance of focusing our minds on what is good, true, and honorable, and turning away from distraction, trouble, and panic.

Lord, help us to stay focused on your goodness and love, and to fill our hearts and minds with all that is pure, lovely, and admirable. Help us to think on things that are excellent and praiseworthy, and to avoid becoming preoccupied, absent-minded, or inattentive.

As we go about our daily lives and pursue our goals and dreams, give us the wisdom to stay on course and the strength to resist distraction and temptation. May we be like the chef in the kitchen, carefully selecting and preparing each ingredient, creating a masterpiece that is fitting, just, and ordered in your sight.

We pray for your guidance and grace, that we may live a life that is pleasing to you and brings honor to your name. May we always remember the power of your word and the truth it contains, and may it be a source of strength and inspiration to us always.

In His name, we pray. Amen
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