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Don’t Miss Your Turn

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how life is full of wins and losses. It’s becoming clear to me that it’s not just about what happens, but how I respond to it. When I lose, instead of getting stuck in that feeling, I can take that loss and turn it into a lesson. It’s turning lemons into lemonade; the process might twist your face up, but the outcome is worth it.

Imagine you’re on a trip, and you miss a turn. If you panic, you might get lost. But if you take a moment to recalibrate or troubleshoot, you can find a new avenue. Missing that turn doesn’t mean the end of the trip; it means you have a chance to discover a new way or route. This ability to turn is powerful. It’s about seeing each missed turn not as a failure, but as an opportunity to learn and grow.

So here’s my formula: loss + lesson = blessing. Every loss holds a lesson if I’m willing to look for it. And when I learn from that lesson, it becomes a blessing. It’s all about my ability and power to turn things around. If I miss my turn, I won’t let it define me. Instead, I’ll see it as a chance to find a better way. This perspective is deep, and it’s something I’m holding onto as I troubleshoot through life’s twists and turns, thus this is why my office is in the streets, sharing better avenues as I go.

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